1,523 research outputs found

    A Legal and Ethical Research on the AIDS Prevention and Cure

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    Recently, the infection of AIDS becomes more and more serious in China, and brings about a far-reaching impact in Chinese society. In fact, AIDS has been an outstanding social problem. The public always discriminate against AIDS patients because most of them lack basic medical knowledge about AIDS. Chinese law can’t protect the AIDS patients’ legal rights and interests, so some patients commit some anti-society illegal action, including some serious crimes. In order to put an end to contagion of AIDS, China should amend and perfect pertinent legislation so that all the AIDS patients can live like common people in practice. Keywords: AIDS, Anti-discrimination law, Medical legislation, Medical ethic Résumé Depuis les dernières années, le sida présente en Chine une tendance à la croissance rapide. La propagation du sida a produit des effets profonds sur la société chinoise de sorte qu’il est déja devenu un problème social saillant. A cause du manque de connaissances relatives au sida, le public a peur des patients porteurs de sida et les méprise. Le système juridique actuel de Chine ne suffit pas pour protéger leurs droits et intérêts légitimes, et cette situation les incite à commettre des actions antisociales, voire des crimes les plus graves.Contenir la propagation du sida demande des efforts communs de tous les sens, mais, il faut tout d’abord garantir les droits et intérêts légitimes des porteurs de sida pour leur permettre de vivre normalement dans la société. Mots-clés: sida, législation contre la discrimination, législation médicale, morale médicale 摘 要 近來年,中國的艾滋病已經呈現了快速發展的態勢,中國的艾滋病情傳播給中國的社會造成了深刻的影響,已經成爲當前一個突出的社會問題。公衆由於對於艾滋病醫學知識的缺乏,對於艾滋病人産生不恰當的恐懼與歧視。中國目前的法律制度並不足以保護艾滋病人的正當權益,這又反過來使得艾滋病人産生一些反社會的行爲,甚至是嚴重的犯罪行爲。要從根源上遏制艾滋病的漫延勢頭,需要多方面的共同努力,但是,首先必須從法律上保障艾滋病人的合法權益,使其能夠像正常人一樣生活於社會。關鍵詞:艾滋病;反歧視立法;醫療立法;醫學倫

    Local transformations of superpositions of entangled states

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    Suppose that we have two entangled states ϕ1\ket {\phi_1}, ψ1\ket{\psi_1} that cannot be converted to any of other two states ϕ2\ket{\phi_2}, ψ2\ket{\psi_2} by local operations and classical communication. We analyze the possibility of locally transforming a superposition of ϕ1\ket{\phi_1} and ψ1\ket{\psi_1} into a superposition of ϕ2\ket{\phi_2} and ψ2\ket{\psi_2}. By using the Nielsen's theorem we find the necessary and sufficient conditions for this conversion to be performed

    Suppression of hepatitis B virus replication by SRPK1 and SRPK2 via a pathway independent of the phosphorylation of the viral core protein

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    AbstractThe SR-domain protein kinase (SRPK) 1 and 2 are two important kinases involved in cellular RNA splicing. Recently, it was suggested that these two kinases, which could bind to the hepatitis B virus (HBV) core protein, might be the major cellular kinases that phosphorylate the core protein to regulate HBV replication. In this report, we tested the role of SRPK1 and SRPK2 in HBV replication and found that both of them could suppress HBV replication by reducing the packaging efficiency of the pgRNA without affecting the formation of the viral core particles. This suppressive effect of SRPK1 and SRPK2 on HBV replication cannot be explained by their phosphorylation activities on the HBV core protein as the over-expression of these two kinases had no detectable effects on HBV core protein phosphorylation in vivo and their mutants that lacked the kinase activity could still suppress HBV DNA replication. Thus, these findings demonstrate a negative role of SRPK1 and SRPK2 in the regulation of HBV replication through a mechanism not involving the phosphorylation of the core protein

    Demonstration of Temporal Distinguishability in a Four-Photon State and a Six-Photon State

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    An experiment is performed to demonstrate the temporal distinguishability of a four-photon state and a six-photon state, both from parametric down-conversion. The experiment is based on a multi-photon interference scheme in a recent discovered NOON-state projection measurement. By measuring the visibility of the interference dip, we can distinguish the various scenarios in the temporal distribution of the pairs and thus quantitatively determine the degree of temporal (in)distinguishability of a multi-photon state

    Effect of antiferromagnetic coupling at interfaces on magnetic properties of Gd/CoFeTaB multilayers

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    In this work, a multilayer structure composed of Gd and CoFeTaB was prepared by magnetron sputtering, and the effect of annealing temperatures on magnetic properties of the multilayer structure are investigated. The existence of interfacial antiferromagnetic coupling in this system was proved by analysis of microstructure, magnetic characteristics, and magnetic resonance characteristics. The preparation of artificial multilayer antiferromagnetic structure with weak stray fields was demonstrated, which provides a shortcut for spintronics application